Contributed by Reston Environmental Advisory Committee
photo by Clean Fairfax
Single-use plastics continue to be a hot topic both globally and locally. Convenient and inexpensive, these items have become an integral part of our lives, but also cause significant damage.
Single-use plastics, such as straws, utensils, take-out containers, beverage bottles and cups, and bags, are commonly seen littering streets and parks, as well as lakes and streams, affecting the aquatic environment. They eventually make their way to the ocean, causing further pollution and damage to the marine environment.
It is estimated that by 2050, plastics will outnumber fish in the ocean. Nearly all plastics are made from fossil fuels, impacting our climate with the release of greenhouse gas emissions at every point of their lifecycle, from production to landfill. Plastic does not break down; instead it breaks up into many tiny pieces, in due course becoming what is known as microplastics. These end up everywhere, contaminating our land and soil, water, and even the air we breathe.
While waste management recycling systems and statewide bans such as the 2022 Plastic Bag Tax in Fairfax County are in place to reduce pollution and divert waste from ending up in landfill, these methods are not enough to break our dependency on plastics. That starts with refusing or reducing single-use plastic items.
Plastic Free July began as a grassroots movement in 2011 to raise awareness of plastic pollution. The movement has grown, with millions of people pledging to reduce their plastic consumption in the month of July. It is estimated that those participating in the movement in 2021 reduced almost 2.1 million tons of waste.
Plastic Free July is a great way to encourage people to reduce plastic waste, find alternative options, and build long lasting habits. Joining the movement is easy; go to to register.
Here are a few tips to get you started:
Conduct a “waste audit” of your trash to see where your use of plastic is the greatest.
Create a “To Go Bag” with reusable items such as a water bottle, coffee cup, silverware, or straws to carry with you when out and about.
Store reusable shopping/produce bags in the car or in your “Go Bag” so they are always handy.
Say no to plastic straws or silverware when ordering takeout. Or opt to dine in instead.
Bring reusable containers to the restaurant to take home leftovers (thereby also reducing food waste).
Choose products with cardboard instead of plastic packaging.
Buy loose produce instead of those bagged/wrapped in plastic.
Clean Fairfax also has some useful resources and tips available to help you make the change. If you want to consider extending it past July, take Reston’s Biophilic Pledge and commit to reducing your use of single-use plastics along with other environmental pledges.