About Us
Highlighting and
our community
Mission Statement: The Reston Letter seeks to inform the Reston community of local events- upcoming and past– highlight local groups’ and individuals’ accomplishments, and, secondarily, to provide a platform for residents to weigh in on local topics relevant to the majority of readers.
Everything to be published should be measured against the mission statement. If it doesn’t stack up, it’s not right for the paper’s purpose or consistent with its mission.
Our staff loves our community and we love to write. Most of us live in Reston and have for many years. We're excited to see how our writing will bring residents together.
There is no subscription cost-- it is a service to the community and will be funded by advertisements from area businesses.

Owner, Editor, & Publisher
Dawn Crosson
Director of Social Media
Director of Ad Sales
Nicole Meade
Graphics Manager & Content Designer

Layout Designer
Graphic Designer & Marketing Manager
Sabine Soltys
Samantha Baker
Joshua Haug

Staff Photographer
Staff Photographer
TikTok Manager & Graphic Designer
Benjamin Burgess
Isadora Guerreiro
Kailyn Kohler

Columnist, "Ask Doctor S"
Staff Writer & Columnist, "Making An Impact"
Columnist, "Inside Art"
Dr. Hayley B. Sherwood
Chuck Cascio
Louise Yale

Staff Writer & Layout Designer
Editor & Writer
Copy Editor
Dylan Murphy
Ellyn Wexler
Kat Salmon

Staff Writer
Holly Weatherwax
Staff Writer
Debbie Anguizola
Staff Writer
Terri Wright

Staff Writer
Scott L. Parkin
Staff Writer
Megan Schmid
Staff Writer
Sarah Golden Neto

Staff Writer
Steph Drahozal
Sports Writer
Laurie Dornak
Staff Writer
Caroline Ayres

Book Club President
Sarah Hickner
Editor/ Writer
Casey Menish

Staff Photographer
Writing Intern
Patricia Kovacs
Aleyna Akyuz